Safety First: Handling and Storing Acetone in Your Workspace

Safety First: Handling and Storing Acetone in Your Workspace


Safety should always come first in the workplace, particularly when handling potentially dangerous substances like acetone. Acetone is a widely used solvent that can be extremely dangerous if handled or stored incorrectly due to its intense flammability. For this reason, it’s essential to know how to handle and store acetone properly to protect your workspace, coworkers, and yourself. 

 This blog post will cover the critical rules for handling and storing acetone securely in your workspace. By heeding these tips, you can reduce the chance of mishaps and make the environment safer for everyone.

Managing and Preserving Acetone in Your Work Area

Acetone is a white liquid with a peculiar smell widely utilized in many industries as a cleaning and degreasing solvent and as an ingredient in numerous goods like paint thinners and nail polish removers. It is a versatile substance, but because of its volatility and flammability, it presents serious risks. For this reason, it’s crucial to follow tight safety procedures when handling this substance.

Hazards of Acetone

Understanding the possible dangers of acetone exposure is crucial before diving into safety precautions. Due to its high volatility, acetone readily evaporates and forms fumes that, if inhaled in large enough concentrations, are both poisonous and combustible. Acetone exposure that is prolonged or frequent can cause dermatitis, drying out of the skin, and irritation. Furthermore, because acetone is toxic to aquatic life, incorrect disposal of it may result in environmental problems.

Handling Acetone Properly

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): When handling acetone, always use the proper personal protective equipment (PPE), such as lab coats or aprons, gloves, and safety goggles. By minimizing direct skin and eye contact, this protective gear lowers the chance of exposure.


Ventilation: To avoid vapour buildup, work with acetone in an area with good ventilation or under a fume hood. Adequate ventilation lowers the danger of inhalation and fire threats, dispersing any fumes or vapours created during handling. 


Please stay clear of Ignition Sources: Acetone is highly flammable, and its fumes can catch fire from even a tiny spark. Consequently, it is imperative to keep any ignition source, including sparks, open flames, and hot surfaces, away from locations where acetone is being used or stored.


Handling Instructions: When moving acetone from one container to another, use only certified transfer equipment, such as funnels or pumps made of materials compatible with acetone. Keep acetone away from heat sources and electrical devices to avoid unintentional ignition.



  1. Keep acetone out of direct sunlight, heat sources, and drafty, dry areas with good ventilation.
  2. Make sure that the containers are firmly sealed to avoid spills and evaporation.
  3. Keep acetone away from incompatible materials, like alkalis, acids, and oxidizing agents. 


Emergency Preparedness: Prepare for emergencies by keeping the equipment on hand, such as spill control kits and fire extinguishers appropriate for volatile liquids. Ensure that every employee has received emergency response training and is prepared to handle spills or mishaps using acetone.

How to Safely Store Acetone

Appropriate Containers: Keep acetone in authorized containers made of glass or high-density polyethylene (HDPE) that are compatible with the chemical. Make sure the containers are well sealed to avoid contamination and evaporation.

 Location: Store acetone in a designated storage space away from direct sunlight, heat sources, and incompatible materials. Acids, oxidizing agents, and flammable items should be stored apart to reduce the possibility of chemical reactions or fires. 

 Labelling: Ensure acetone containers are appropriately labelled with the relevant safety information and danger warnings. Labelling should include the chemical name, concentration, and any handling or storage precautions that may be required. In addition to ensuring that everyone in the workspace knows the risks of acetone, proper labelling helps minimize confusion.

Limitations on Quantity: Only keep the acetone that will be used immediately in storage. Reduce surplus inventory as much as possible to lower the chance of exposure or spills.

 Temperature Control: To lessen acetone volatility and the chance of vapour buildup, keep storage rooms at constant temperatures, ideally below room temperature.

 Frequent Inspections: Examine storage spaces frequently for indications of corrosion, leaks, or container damage. Deal with any problems as soon as possible to avoid mishaps and guarantee adherence to safety guidelines.

Waste Disposal: Make sure you dispose of acetone appropriately according to local laws and regulations. Never dispose of acetone outside or down the sink since it can contaminate water supplies and endanger aquatic life.


Q1. What should I do in case of an acetone spill or leak?

If there is a spill or leak, clean up the area immediately and let some air out to release any trapped fumes. Spot clean as soon as possible with absorbent materials such as vermiculite or spill control pads to prevent coming into touch with the spilled acetone. As per local legislation, dispose of the hazardous materials appropriately.

Q2. Are there any incompatible materials that should not be stored near acetone?

Yes, acetone reacts negatively with acids, alkalis, and oxidizing agents, among other things. Keep acetone away from these materials to avoid possible chemical reactions or dangers.

Q3. What fire safety measures should be in place when working with acetone?

Because acetone is highly flammable, it’s critical to have fire extinguishers in the workspace and ensure all staff members have received fire safety training. Do not use or store acetone close to sparks, open flames, or ignition sources.

Q4. Is it safe to use acetone to clean surfaces?

Acetone can be used to clean surfaces, although care should be taken to reduce exposure. Make sure there is enough ventilation, put on the proper PPE, and avoid extended skin contact. Test it first on a tiny area to ensure acetone is compatible with the surface being cleaned.

Q5. What are the health risks associated with exposure to acetone?

Exposure to acetone may irritate the skin, eyes, and respiratory system. Extended or recurrent exposure might cause effects on the central nervous system, including headaches and dizziness. In severe situations, it may potentially result in death.

Q6. Where can I get additional details about handling acetone safely? 

 Regulatory agencies or chemical suppliers may issue material safety data sheets (MSDS) with further details on handling and storing acetone safely. Speaking with occupational health or safety specialists can also yield insightful advice tailored to your workplace.


Prioritizing safety is crucial while handling potentially harmful substances such as acetone. Reduce the dangers of acetone exposure and the possibility of mishaps in your workstation by handling and storing materials properly. It is essential to wear the proper personal protective equipment, work in an area with enough ventilation, and store acetone safely in authorized containers away from incompatible products and ignition sources. When handling and storing acetone, you may establish a safe workplace for yourself and your coworkers by putting safety first and following best practices.

PUROSOLV provides certified pharmacopeia solvents such as IPA, Methanol, Acetone, and MDC. More certified solvents will be added soon. Being a brand of the leading Indian manufacturer of fertilizers and industrial chemicals, DFPCL, Purosolv is committed to offering top-notch quality and experience supported by premium features. The solvents provided by Purosolv are benzene-free, certified, and meet the strictest purity requirements, guaranteeing dependable and constant quality. 

 PUROSOLV seeks to target international markets while offering a flawless client experience effortlessly. They provide a customer interface that guarantees fast return times (TAT), simple information access, and a specialised compliance support staff to promote expansion and adherence to legal requirements.